Chalciporus piperatus

Peppery Bolete

© Michelle G. Torres-Grant All Rights Reserved

© Michelle C. Torres-Grant
All Rights Reserved

The smallest California bolete, and now segregated into a new genus Chalciporus (its synonym is Boletus piperatus).

Recognizable due its small stature. The intensely acrid, unpleasant taste is diagnostic.

Under Monterey Pine at Fiscalini Ranch Open Space, 12/15/12 — Photo Courtesy of CNPS Fungal Foray participant Michelle C. Torres-Grant. View a full selection of images at  Michelle’s Flickr collection from the 2012 CNPS Fungal Foray.

Mykoweb provides a complete description of Chalciporus piperatus
Michael Kuo’s page for Chalciporus piperatus at MushroomExpert.

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