Amanita lanei

California “Coccora

Synonym with A. calyptroderma (in Mushrooms Demystified, and elsewhere)

Fall fruiting in oak (and madrone) woods.  Featured image  courtesy Ralph Johnson in San Luis Obispo on 12/22/12

This Amanita is frequently and tragically confused with the deadly poisonous Amanita phalloidesDO NOT EXPERIMENT.

Guidebooks and Mykoweb report Amanita lanei is mycorrhizal  with Madrone in Central California. Within San Luis Obispo County, our specimens are just as frequently in mixed oak-bay woodlands and so resemble the spring-fruiting A. velosa (similar pale orange cap and striate margin) found in live oak-grassland savannah.

Amanita lanei

SLO open space 12/26/12

Amanita lanei

SLO open space 12.26.12



Courtesy: Anthony Reynolds, Cambria – 12/21/12


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